UV Laser nandaan mesin 5w 8W 10W pikeun spoto cuping botol
ChukusUv laserspot due to minimum, and the processing of heat affected zone is very little, which can exceed the standard of fine marking, special material marking, the marking effect is preferred product for more demanding customers ; Cocog upami panangan pasar luhur, kosmétik, obat, périeut plastik, tuangeun bahan polimér anu sanésna ditandaan.
CO2 30W 60w 100w Laser nandaan mesin pikeun non logam
Mesin C02 Granting Marketing tiasa nyirian rupa-rupa bahan non-logam sareng produk logam, sapertos kai, kulit, botol plastik. Sareng kanggo mesin tanduk Laser Chuask, urang ngagaduhan pabrik pabrik sareng produksi R & D. Panganten waé, tiasa masihan anjeun langkung sayur locer profésional.
30W / 40W / 50w Co2 laser nandaan mesin 4030 Laser
CHUKE CO2 laser engraving machine will be used for a varity of non-metallic materials and metal products, such as bamboo, wood, paper ABS PVC epoxy resin, acrylic, leather, glass, building ceramics,rubber etc. Widely used in pharmaceutical packageing, food packaging, beverag packaging, plastic, textile, leather, wood, handicrafts, electronic components, communications, Mampet, gelas, nyitak sareng industri sanés.
Lass Cabut Laser Laser Branding Mesin 20W 30W pikeun pabrik
Mesin Tanda Laser leutik ogé disebutMesin mortir atanapi desktop lastop,mesin nyiriantiasa damel.