Laser ngeusi, ngabersihkeun, las sareng nyirian mesin

Kéngingkeun cutatanpesawat
Aksesoris Mesin

Aksesoris Mesin

  • Pupus cuckatik pneumatik

    Pupus cuckatik pneumatik

    Éta tiasa ngabéréskeun masalah mesin nyirian sareng permukaan permukaan datar, workpiece leutik sareng karasa luhur

  • Pabrik Layah 10mm Laser Galvanoromor Galvanomi Galvo Galvo Scan Laser Mesin Mesin 30W

    Pabrik Layah 10mm Laser Galvanoromor Galvanomi Galvo Galvo Scan Laser Mesin Mesin 30W

    Scanneter Chuke Galvaneter mangrupikeun biaya anu pikaresepeun-10mm Galvaneter. Salian harga kalembaban, éta ogé ngagaduhan prestasi anu hadé, anu sareng prestasi anu saé. It has the characteristics of good linearity, small temperature drift, high precision, fast speed, good stability and strong anti-interference ability. It can meet 90% of the requirements of fiber laser applications, is one of the very widely used galvanometer scanners, and enjoys a good reputation and satisfaction among many users. Naha laser idéal anjeun nyirian ngatasi solusi anu ngahasilkeun.
